I did this company review thing at work back in like November or something. It was a pretty big deal. It’s kind of my boss’s way of finding out what’s going on in people’s heads at work...what we love...what we hate...what will make us better...etc. Anyways, it took me like 3 hours to complete the damn questionnaire...and it was completely anonymous, so that’s good for people who are afraid of what the boss men may think. Me though...I made sure they’d know which questionnaire was mine.
For the most part I answered all of the questions honestly and thoughtfully, but when a question popped up kinda like this...”What do you think would improve worker morale for yourself and/or throughout the agency?” my answer was only obvious. I took the opportunity to put in a request for speakers for Alisha’s computer, so I can turn my music up louder (the factory laptop speakers are too weak). I specifically requested the JBL Creature Speakers, because they match my computer, they’re only a hundred bucks, and they rock out. I didn’t feel like I was asking for too much.
So a month went by, and nothing. No response. No speakers. I gave up hope, and over the Christmas holiday I bought the speakers with my own money. Then, just this Monday, my boss spoke up in our big Monday Morning Meeting and said that they’d reviewed the surveys, and he thanked everyone for doing them, and yadda yadda. They plan on sharing the findings with us next month, after they figure out who said what. (He was kidding.) But before the meeting was over I said aloud, “I’m the one who requested the speakers.”
I just assumed they over-looked my request, and thought I was joking. But not 30 minutes later my boss passed me in the hall, and said to me, “JBL right? The JBL Creature speakers.” I was amazed. I guess they really are paying attention.
have you ever seen that movie (pump up the volume)? christian slater about freedom of speech.. early 90's, good times, and random thought... we are all listening to you alisha... i am still curious if anyone bought the kitchen set that comes in black or red for you
Like the speakers...I ended up buying the knives for myself as well, but YES, I do have them. In black of course. Thanks for paying attention. :)
If you spent a couple hundred bucks,
you paid double. Maybe all those flatulents clouded your consumer savvy.
Oh and if they try so hard, ask Chris, Derrit, Christian, Brooks, Beau, Eric, Meredith, Ashley, Julie, Walt, Tom, Rich, Judy, Rustie, Robert, Aimee, Jonathan, Jeanette, Scott, Jessica and myself, why we left there in a period of less than 3 years.
I'm not sure why some left. Others completely suck a nut and got fired. And a few others left for better opportunities. I, however, am hanging around to collect their share of this year's bonus. Now go stick your balls in the snow you crazy messican.
tagged your ass. check my blog
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