So I watched the Golden Globes last night, and apparently Brokeback Mountain is an amazing movie. Supposedly that movie is what our American culture needed in order to change society’s stereotypical views of gay men. But quite honestly, it only confirmed mine.
Two guys spend 3 months alone on a mountain, and they end up getting together. The FIRST time they hook up, it’s an overly-aggressive, bend over and take it from behind kind of act. (It was not love. It was disgusting. It would be disgusting even watching a guy and girl go at it like that. That scene alone did it for me and this overrated movie, and it didn’t get much better.) Anyways, the cowboys eventually leave the mountain and marry women, but they continue to meet once or twice a year to “fish” (pack fudge with one another). Even through all of this, it was clearly still never love for the both of them. It was simply butt-humping for one guy, and a sissy-punk cowboy’s addiction to being butt-humped. In the end, one of the gay cowboys gets killed, and yeah that’s sad. But you can’t go around as a married man, making eyes with a bunch of straight men and not expect to get your ass whooped. In his case, he was beat to death.
So call me a hypocrite. Call me what you want. Yes I am a woman. And yes I love one. But I guarantee that if you put me on film to show you my love story and to help society understand gay women you better believe it wouldn’t turn out like this overrated flick. Maybe this movie helped mother’s of gay sons...maybe it helped closet-cases deal with their sexuality...I don’t know. But for me this movie was a poor Hollywood display of mistaking love for something completely outrageous.
But regardless of what I think, the Golden Globe goes to...you guessed it. Brokeback Mountain.
Two guys spend 3 months alone on a mountain, and they end up getting together. The FIRST time they hook up, it’s an overly-aggressive, bend over and take it from behind kind of act. (It was not love. It was disgusting. It would be disgusting even watching a guy and girl go at it like that. That scene alone did it for me and this overrated movie, and it didn’t get much better.) Anyways, the cowboys eventually leave the mountain and marry women, but they continue to meet once or twice a year to “fish” (pack fudge with one another). Even through all of this, it was clearly still never love for the both of them. It was simply butt-humping for one guy, and a sissy-punk cowboy’s addiction to being butt-humped. In the end, one of the gay cowboys gets killed, and yeah that’s sad. But you can’t go around as a married man, making eyes with a bunch of straight men and not expect to get your ass whooped. In his case, he was beat to death.
So call me a hypocrite. Call me what you want. Yes I am a woman. And yes I love one. But I guarantee that if you put me on film to show you my love story and to help society understand gay women you better believe it wouldn’t turn out like this overrated flick. Maybe this movie helped mother’s of gay sons...maybe it helped closet-cases deal with their sexuality...I don’t know. But for me this movie was a poor Hollywood display of mistaking love for something completely outrageous.
But regardless of what I think, the Golden Globe goes to...you guessed it. Brokeback Mountain.
You are only being a gemini by opposing my view, and that's what I like to see. Keep things interesting.
But regardless of what people are supposed to draw from the movie...It did a piss poor job of making me feel the love. It did however, do a good job of showing me the vigorous raging hormones, "I'll stick my dick in anything", side of men that I can't stand.
The Notebook, now that's love. Buttfuck Mountain, not love.
And the blog is heating up once again.
counselor, do you believe that people are born sinners? or that they "choose" to sin?
just a thought. i believe with all of my heart that i was born this way because i can think of times long, long ago, when i didn't even understand what it was, when i knew something was different. i believe, as well, that people like jeffery dahmer are born sick...
not something he chose...
understandably so... but i find contradiction in your statement. you agree that people are born with moral absolutes, as well as sinful nature, but you say that the goodman fights those everyday. i beleive that who you love is not something that needs to faught. robbing a bank... fight the urge. kicking a homeless man on the street... bite your lip and refuse. burn crosses in someones yard, stand in the corner and count backwards from 100. but loving someone... giving them your all.. not something i am going to battle with. Love is not a choice. it is a god given gift.
Love is a choice.
Broccoli or brussel sprouts? Basketball or baseball? Men or Women?
Everything that a person chooses to love and hate is dependent upon that individuals value judgements. Whether or not a person is conscious of their value judgements, and the definitions of the concepts that they have consciously or subconsciously formed throughout their life, is the difining factor that determines the nature of the person. People make mistakes physically and people make mistakes mentally. Since all people are born mentally blank, the people that become gay are so because they have faulty mental definitions and premises. It's called Introspection and if you can't do it or understand it don't give God credit for your lack of insight.
Y'all are all confusing the world of "choice." Yes, you choose what you eat. Yes, you decide whether or not to commit a crime. But c'mon people, NO ONE chooses to be gay. You don't choose loving the same sex becuase it's the fun thing to do. It is not a choice.
And when it comes to god and the bible on the topic of sex and sin...give me a freakin' break. If we're all following the bible word for word, then we all know we can sin our lives away and ask god into our hearts while we lay on our deathbed...and still make it to heaven. At least, that's what the bible says. And quite honestly, it's a crock of shit that I choose not to lead my life by.
Counselor. Thanks for your caring and insight. I love you too, and of course will never judge you either...because that’s what I have in my heart for you...not because the bible tells me to.
I’ve studied the bible, the church, the gung-ho christian lifestyle...I’ve given it all a shot, and in doing so I’ve learned that it’s not for me. I don’t buy into it. More times than not, I feel like religion serves as a crutch for people who are too weak and unable to deal with life’s challenges on their own. Out of all of the most positive and negative things I’ve experienced...my stint with the “god-scene” was by far the worst time in my life...filled with brainwash, confusion and deception (by preachers...church members...etc.). The negativity far outweighed the occasional and very temporary spiritual highs.
Because of that, I choose to rely on the reality of humans that I can see and touch, rather than a questionable book and a spiritual faith to fulfill my life. I’m a good person. I’m not sorry for my beliefs.
And I just want to reiterate, that I still think Brokeback Mountain is OVERRATED. That's what this whole post was about anyhow.
Ok so just read through all these comments talking about them with a good friend of mine who, I'd say, see eye to eye on a lot of things. So she told me to post...
So my questions come about with the whole "sinning and forgiving." You say that you can sin, and ask for forgivness and God will give you that forgiveness. Then you can go tomororw and sin yet again but in a completely different way, and ask for forgiveness. So basically, you can sin everyday of your life, but as long as it's not the SAME sin, you will be forgiven. HOWEVER, if you are homosexual, you are going against everything in the Bible simply because you are making the same sin on a daily basis.
This is where I have a problem. And no, I do not read the Bible. But how are you any better of a person if you sin everyday of your life, in a different way, then someone who "SUPPOSIDLY" is making a sin becuase they are homosexual. To me that is hypocritical. A sin is a sin. No one is perfect but don't you dare start to think less of someone who is homosexual, or think of them as "wrong" for going against what a book says. If you sin on a daily basis.. or you know. I'll even give you some slack.. if you sin every other day, or three times a week, who cares.. a sin is a sin. You can't ask for forgivness constantly and be forgiven constantly if you are just making sins that simply aren't homosexual.
So in the end, let people do what they want, live how they want, homosexuality is not a choice. And if you believe that it is, you are simply naive.
I do not believe in god, nor heaven nor hell. Driving a car is dangerous. Believing and acting upon what ever you truly feel in your heart is living life. When you die you die.
We can be neighbors in real life Counselor.
ok, so you are christian, and you get your "laws" from the bible. but dont EVER criticize my lack of "insight" as you so ignorantly put it. you are the one who is closed minded.. try that for a lack of insight. I have studied the bible, and maybe i am wrong, but the old testament was written BEFORE jesus died on the cross for us. you want to talk about sexual immorality? have you only had sex with your wife? and was it AFTER you married her? give me bible verses that tell me two women being together is so wrong. and don't shout out leviticus, because then you don't know what you are talking about. surely if you claim that one, you dont eat birds, or wear clothes woven of two different fabrics. many different people wrote laws of thier own to make themselves seem more righteous then the next town...the bible is an interpretation of many different men, which in its own is a completely different topic. but keep this in mind... God could strike down right now at the very same moment, and tell us each the exact same thing. the next day, every one that we told would have a different story, and a different reaction. no one was walking around with a video camera and a tape recorder when they were talking to jesus... the stories are not laws but peoples actions that are supposed to cause us to think about our perspective and opinion about the situation. once again, no matter what god you chose to go to, we can all agree that LOVE is the one factor that brings us all together. i will not stand for people thinking they are more righteous than i because they have heterosex. what are you doing for the world? i love all people, and i will not subject anyone to my close mindedness. we are all equals, and although i do chose what food i put in my body (good analogy, by the way) i can not control my thoughts. when i think of a girls face at night before i go to sleep, or dream of holding hands with the woman i love, it is not something that can be conquered... only interrupted. and counselor, are you serious with this??? ---> "But, if it is any comfort to you, if I make it to judgment day before you do, I will beg him to welcome you, because I care about you that much." that is EXACTLY what i am talking about when people, straight people like yourself, think that they are perfect in the eyes of god. you say that you can't judge people for their actions because you are a sinner, but you just made yourself a more righteous person in that statement. let me ask you... have you ever been tempted by a man? have you ever had to fight the sexual urge that you felt for a person of the same sex? i only ask this because you say that you "fight the good fight"... and if it a "choice" that god tempts us all with, then that would mean that you too have had homosexual thoughts... that you have possibly been in love with a man or that deep down you desire to be with a man, but you just cant because a book tells you so. let me make myself clear... i am not gay because i woke up and decided once that i wanted to take the hard road. how dare you walk around pretending to have insight into something you have never had to deal with. thats the same thing as telling all of those katrina victims that you know exactly how they must feel. you have not had the emotions that we have had. you have no idea. and if you will notice, the only people that seem to think it is a choice, are those who have had the luxury of not having to deal with it.
you have me very misunderstood. i am not defensive... just tired of people trying to argue a point they dont understand. and you didnt answer my questions. i asked you about homosexual urges, or if you have been in love with a man. if you have not, then dont say you "fight the good fight" against it. nothing about being homosexual says "unfaithful", unlike the way you answered the question. and i am defensive about you not respecting my knowledge of the bible of which i have studied the near entirety of my life. maybe you should read the story of sodom and gomorrah again, and all of the other stories that are related to homosexuality in the bible. i believe sex for sex is wrong, which these people were doing, and that is why god punished them. there is no story in the bible that said a woman cared more about another woman and gave to her every ounce of her being, and it was an abomination. you are right, i have passion. but it is also something that has developed over the years that i have spent in the church. i offer only my opinion in hopes to open the minds of those who dont know. and i am sorry if you feel i personally attacked you, but by you saying things that you have, not about homosexuals, but about being a christian, i have chosen to take offense. i am also responding with "spite and venom" because you are not taking responsibility for your own actions. you tell me that you are not judging anyone, but that you will pray for their souls... you tell me that you are only offering your opinion, not trying to change mine, but still, you tell me that i am wrong. ex. "they generally know that they are wrong, which is why they feel immediately defensive, as you did." call me crazy.. but you are judging there... AND trying to influence me with your opinions. so again i ask... if it is something that god tests us with, and i am just too weak to fight the good fight, then tell me, is this something that you have experienced? if you have not had to "repent" from loving someone of the same sex, then i simply can not beleive that you can have the capacity to tell me that it is wrong. you tell me that my position is not biblicaly based, but please, show me where your arguement is. i have given many references, and still have more. this is not me being defensive, or wrong, or sinful... this is me, being a jesus loving woman, telling you that your statement is not valid, that your reasoning, not valid, and that your judgements (and yes, you have been judging) are not valid. you can not preach something you have not experienced... its like getting a tattoo from someone that doesn't have any... going to a marraige counselor that has never been in a relationship.. or taking spanish lessons from someone who doesn't know the language. if you have never had to fight homosexuality, then you never had to make a choice... because god didn't make you that way.
also, i am not the only one who thinks you are being judgemental. mel mentioned it in her post above.
i am interested indeed. i love this not because i like to push buttons, but because we all grow in someway or another. you shouldn't emotionally withdraw from this one.. what would you be fighting for? not fighting, this is definately not something to be faught about... but i assure you, i really do not intend to offend in anyway. i strive for conversations that make you think and see the world thru another's eyes. one day, maybe we can all be on the same page... about something.. anything, really. but that is just wishful thinking
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