You know 15 minutes in a car can make you think about some crazy shit. For instance...Not 2 blocks from my house, I saw 6 cops on the side of the road trying to either beat the crap out of some criminal, or save this guys life while he was having seizure. It was hard to tell what was really going on, but it looked violent either way.
Then, no farther than a mile or two down the road at the MLK/Airport Rd intersection this car in front of me did the peeve of all pet peeves. Listen people, a yellow light does not mean slam on your brakes. If anything, it means speed up and make it through the light. This dumb ass driving a little red car decided to do the first of the two options and stop, while I in turn did the latter and went. Mind you, I was behind the stopping car. I kinda felt like a NASCAR driver swerving around stand still traffic and speeding up to make it swiftly through the light. And yes, I made it before the light turned red. I bet that guy sitting at the longest light in Austin felt like an idiot.
I also had a glory moment reflection on the way in too...I’m getting really good at this bowling thing. Last night over the course of 3 games I bowled a 140 avg. Wearing old school stolen shoes. Using a 9 lb house ball. Nothing fancy going on. Just sheer raw bowling prowess is taking over me. And it feels good.
Finally, if you have musical downloading abilities then you should get this immediately. Artist: John Waite. Song: Missing You. It’s really powerful.
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