Monday, June 26, 2006


Forgive me, I’ve been lacking the inspiration necessary to fulfill the creative requirements of authoring a blog. So if you want me to write something, you’re gonna have to ask.

Tammy from Chattanooga Asked These 8 Questions:

1. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
Without a doubt, a gecko. Geckos are hot right now.
2. Favorite person - both dead and alive.
Dead-Tupac Shakur
Alive-Tupac Shakur
3. What's the first thing you think of when you wake up?
I do a deep calculation of how many times I can press snooze, and still make it to work on time.
4. What 5 words best describe you?
Personable, opinionated, blunt, stubborn, curious
5. Which celebrity are you most so?
Tom Cruise. Because I like to jump on couches and scream like a fool.
6. Do you prefer t-cups or roller coasters?
Roller coasters all the way.
7. Tell us your funniest joke.
So a pirate walks into a bar and he has a steering wheel tied to his penis. The bartender looks at him and says, “hey you have a steering wheel tied to your penis.” The pirate looks back at him and says, “Aaargh, it’s driving me nuts!”

And finally...drumroll please...

8. If you could be a super hero, what would be your power?
The ability to hear everything a person thinks as they think it.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Me and the Darci are still doing well. One of my friends recently inspired her to start training for a triathlon, so we’re doing a lot of that She’s going to compete in October. I’m just going to train with her...push her...let her push me...whatever works. I’m her yoga master too, so after a hard day of running, walking, biking, swimming, whatever...I help bring everything back to center.Speaking of center...our life now revolves around a new center of attention—Nelly. She’s a sweet sweet girl, but about 50% of my kissers have been diverted to her lately. Oh well. I ain’t j boo.Also, I ended up getting the FJ Cruiser I wanted. It’s pimp. I love it. And one last thing....I joined myspace. I did it initially just to view other peoples profiles, but just so I could avoid being the lamest myspace user ever...I posted some pictures and information on there.