Tuesday, December 12, 2006


So a friend of mine emailed me today. He writes:

“Where have you gone. No talky lately. You haven't posted on the blog in like 2 years.”

And although he is a big fat exaggerator with the timeframe (it’s only been like 5 months)... I haven’t been gone. Just a little out of it and less talkative than usual. I’m a little snowed under at work. Every day it seems like something comes from out of no where and saps the life out of me. And the end result is normally me feeling very uninspired. So, I haven’t blogged in 5 months. And come to think of it, I probably haven’t worked out in 5 months either. Regardless of my general life lack of inspiration... you better believe I’m totally in the Christmas spirit. Santa can probably spot my house from Mars. And Darci and I are sporting tacky Christmas sweaters for the entire month of December. You gotta love that.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


So, occasionally I get random MySpace messages from people trying to sell me something or what not. But today I got one that just made my day. It’s from a UT cheerleader who cheered at my games back in the day when I used to hoop. What a sweet sweet girl that cheerleader.

Oh I'm going to feel stupid if you don't remember me, but somehow I saw your pic on here and just had to say hi! I always thought you were the nicest girl on the UT women's basketball team! Anyhow, I'm Kelly and I cheered while you were playing and thought you were really talented and hilarious!!! I rode a bike next to one day while I was working out and you had me cracking up! Well, I just thought I'd say hello and see what what you have been up to since college.

I graduated from UT Law School in 2004 and worked in San Antonio for a year and now am back in the ATX which I'm very happy about! Well, if you don't remember me then I'm silly, but I hope you are doing fantastic! Hit me back if you are bored! Myspace is so stupid, but I've caught up with some old friends!! Take care.

Kelly Sadler

Monday, June 26, 2006


Forgive me, I’ve been lacking the inspiration necessary to fulfill the creative requirements of authoring a blog. So if you want me to write something, you’re gonna have to ask.

Tammy from Chattanooga Asked These 8 Questions:

1. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
Without a doubt, a gecko. Geckos are hot right now.
2. Favorite person - both dead and alive.
Dead-Tupac Shakur
Alive-Tupac Shakur
3. What's the first thing you think of when you wake up?
I do a deep calculation of how many times I can press snooze, and still make it to work on time.
4. What 5 words best describe you?
Personable, opinionated, blunt, stubborn, curious
5. Which celebrity are you most like...how so?
Tom Cruise. Because I like to jump on couches and scream like a fool.
6. Do you prefer t-cups or roller coasters?
Roller coasters all the way.
7. Tell us your funniest joke.
So a pirate walks into a bar and he has a steering wheel tied to his penis. The bartender looks at him and says, “hey you have a steering wheel tied to your penis.” The pirate looks back at him and says, “Aaargh, it’s driving me nuts!”

And finally...drumroll please...

8. If you could be a super hero, what would be your power?
The ability to hear everything a person thinks as they think it.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Me and the Darci are still doing well. One of my friends recently inspired her to start training for a triathlon, so we’re doing a lot of that lately...training. She’s going to compete in October. I’m just going to train with her...push her...let her push me...whatever works. I’m her yoga master too, so after a hard day of running, walking, biking, swimming, whatever...I help bring everything back to center.Speaking of center...our life now revolves around a new center of attention—Nelly. She’s a sweet sweet girl, but about 50% of my kissers have been diverted to her lately. Oh well. I ain’t j boo.Also, I ended up getting the FJ Cruiser I wanted. It’s pimp. I love it. And one last thing....I joined myspace. I did it initially just to view other peoples profiles, but just so I could avoid being the lamest myspace user ever...I posted some pictures and information on there. http://www.myspace.com/austinalisha

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


This may or may not surprise you, but me and the Darci have been together for almost a year now. I guess you could say we like each other a little bit. This Thursday is our 1 year anniversary, and it’s not only a cause for celebration, but also the perfect time to reward her for putting up with me. It ain’t easy, but she does it and I love her for it.

So what’s her reward you ask...? The one on the right. Now all at once...”ahhhhhh.”

Thursday, May 04, 2006


We have our annual company golf tournament tomorrow, so yesterday a few co-workers, the Darci and I all went to hit some golf balls over lunch. I’ve been wanting to get my own set of clubs, but never got around to it so I just planned on using Darci’s for the tourney.

Anyways, my co-workers and I hit our balls and went back to work. Darci, unbeknownst to me, went shopping.

Later than night I pull into my driveway and there are signs all over the outside and inside of the house. The signs read messages such as, Tee Up, Fore!!, Birdie, Eagle, etc. Everywhere I turn there’s a sign. I called her immediately and said “what are you trying to do Crazy Woman?!” She said she was trying to get me fired up for the golf tournament.

A few seconds later I look outside, and on the garage door there’s a sign that reads “Hole In One.” So what do I do? I go out to the garage, open the door, and right in front of me is a brand new set of golf clubs in a golf bag, surrounded by balls, and tees. Talk about being fired up.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


There was a new Toyota FJ Cruiser parked by my job, and since the dealers only have these cars on their showroom floors I’ve never been able to even start one up. If I ever wanted to ride in it...this was my golden opportunity. I looked out my office window for about 30 minutes, but the owner never came out...so what’d I do? I left a note.
Dear Mr. Or Ms. FJ Cruiser Driver,

I plan on buying an FJ Cruiser in about 2 weeks, but I’ve never even ridden in one or anything. The dealers are real stingy with ‘em. If you have the time I’d love to ask you a few questions and see how you’re liking it so far. I promise I’m not weird or crazy or anything. I work across the street at McGarrah Jessee, so if you’re not in a hurry you can just come right in and ask for Alisha. Have a great day.


Some 10 minutes later...he came to my office, and he was the nicest guy ever. He offered to let me drive it and everything. It was awesome.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006



Over Easter myself and 11 others went up to Colorado for a long weekend of frolicking (skiing) in the snow. The first day was highlighted with a trip to the ER for my good friend Chad who ate shit and separated his shoulder on the first run of the day.

The second day, as I’m sure you can imagine, was laden with massive alcohol consumption, but to my surprise ended with a small bar tab. Ya see, while the rest of us were skiing all day, Chad was drinking in the bar...all day. Needless to say, he befriended the bartender and by night’s end what should have been a $300+ bar tab ended up running less than $100. Score one for the injured drunk guy.

Beer + Straw + High Altitude = Wasted. (From L to R: Alisha, Chad)

The Crew (From L to R: Julie, Alisha, Austin, Darci, Chad)

The Darci and I...Just before we tackle a Black Diamond.

Darci...Tackled by a Black Diamond. (She spent a lot of time on her ass.)

Mid-day snack (yellow snow) anyone...?

Friday, April 21, 2006


Check out that bedhead...Even if you tried, you couldn't style your hair like that.